Monday, October 16, 2023


Enough is enough, call Hamas terrorists”. The message from the National Jewish Assembly, who’ve arranged this protest outside the BBC’s Broadcasting House in London.

Hundreds of protesters gather outside the BBC’s HQ. Chants of “shame on you” ring out against a backdrop of Israeli flags.

Speakers say the BBC should be calling “terror by what it is”.

The NJA in the UK focuses on the promotion of Jewish life, the support for Israel and fighting antisemitism.

Israeli intelligence head addresses lack of attack warning

The head of Shin Bet, Israel's intelligence agency, has taken responsibility for the lack of early warning about Hamas's attack on 7 October.

In a statement to agency members, Ronen Bar said: “Despite a series of actions we carried out, unfortunately on Saturday we were unable to generate a sufficient warning that would allow the attack to be thwarted.

"As the one who heads the organisation, the responsibility for this is on me."

He said there will be time for investigations but "now, we are fighting". 

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